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  These words are for the artists and dreamers  Who want a slippery God, Not the stone one nailed permanently to a cross In old buildings, t...

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

day 6 - sound deep.

In my dance meditation class we join in a practice called "sound deep to the witness of God." In this prayer you choose a partner and sit facing each other. Then a scripture is read. One of the partners closes their eyes and reflects prayerfully on the passage, expressing their prayer through slow intentional embodied movements with each outward breath. These movements can be as small as lifting or raising your arms, folding your hands in prayer, or bowing your head. As the person moves, their partner sits across from them and gazes at them, holding them in prayer.

I cannot describe the deep intimacy and gentle mystical power that I feel doing this activity. When I was the partner doing the prayer movement, I felt so embraced and so cared for as I moved in the safety and comfort of my partner's prayerful gaze. And even more powerful for me was being the one who held the other in watchful prayer. It feels so sacred to be allowed to witness the prayer life of another person. Although I was sitting still, it was as if my soul was moving with hers. While her body moved, I was moved internally. I was so blessed as she bowed and as she reached for God, my heart was also bowing and reaching. It was as if we were praying the same prayer although we exchanged no words.

I want to do this activity again and again and to work to create more of these moments of deep connection with one another. Too often we talk in such general terms about God, and never stop and truly sound deep to the witness of God in each other.

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