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Tuesday, December 1, 2009

sexist much?

Please watch this (especially the part that starts at 1:54) and tell me you share my rage:

An open letter to Mark Driscoll:

I find this offensive on so many levels, I don't know where to begin. The idea that the church is in decline because it is "chicafied" is completely outrageous. Most pastors are men. Most worship services are shaped by men. Blaming it on "femininity" is not only offensive, but illogical. Secondly, being manly has nothing to do with hairy chests, and slaying other men in pools of their own blood. I like how you talk about David as this macho man, but conveniently leave out his passion for music, poetry and dance, and focus only on brashness, brute strength and violence as though that is what made him innovative. We do need innovators in the church. We also need men, just as much as we need women. But having a penis has nothing to do with being innovative. And there are incredibly creative voices (both men and women) who are being stifled in churches everywhere based on assumptions such as the ones you clearly are making about what it means to be manly or to be feminine. As a woman who is called to ordination, innovative worship and ultimately, I believe, church planting, I am so deeply disappointed that you, one of the dominant voices of the Christian church, would be so insensitive to such important gender issues and would make such broad generalizations. We need young innovators in the church, without a doubt, but stereotyping is not the way to do it. I find it difficult to articulate just how angry and disappointed I am that this is the kind of "creative innovation" that is being spoken into the Christian Church. This is good old-fashioned sexism at its worst. Please stop spouting your anti-female rhetoric in Christ's name.

1 comment:

Zach said...

Screw that "dude!" I can't even begin to rant effectively without dropping a unlimited amount of profane words.

One comment though. I am so glad that making money and making babies are what God's entire kingdom is all about. Geez! (And he dissed my sweater vest! what the heck!)